3W Consulting
3W Consulting is a fiscally sponsored project of JCA (Jewish Community Action), a 501C3 Nonprofit organization.
Link for Individual Donations: https://secure.everyaction.com/rt8xb8TglUmGYSHHci4EKQ2
All ​donations are 100% deductible to the full extent of the law.

We are two diverse multicultural Jewish women of color who come to this work with different lived experiences and stories, joining our voices to reflect the past, present and future diversity of the Jewish people -- who care about racial justice, who care about our beloved Jewish community coming together to make a collective impact -- that is the heart of who we are.
We believe that:
Jews of Color live with a tremendous amount of trauma due to oppression; we are aiming to give them tools for safe self-care and spiritual resources to heal and transform so they can become leaders in our communities.
We need to recognize trauma and offer a healing space for our JoC where Jewishness and other identities can merge and coexist in peace.
Jewish tradition and texts have given us tools for healing from trauma and we need to use them as support and strength,as they offer antidotes to white supremacy behaviors. We have a spiritual and moral obligation to restore human dignity.
Jill Housen
Jill (She/her) was raised in Claremont, CA. She received her B.A. in Fashion Merchandising from California State University, Long Beach after transitioning from studying French, Spanish, and Molecular Biology at the University of California, Irvine. She is a certified Health Coach and is also certified in traditional African Herbal Healing.
Jill works as a REDI consultant for local and national organizations through her consulting group 3W Consulting with her partner Tamar Ghidalia.
As part of a three-year program, Jill also works with 3W Consulting coaching four Jewish Camps in the states of Colorado and New York.
She is the DEIB Consultant for the Sandra Caplan Community Bet Din where she was key in presenting several days of learning on Racial, Equity, and Inclusion which included performances from the cast of True Colors, DEI training from Be'chol Lashon, and a lunch and learn featuring Marc Dollinger. Jill received a generous grant from JOCI to develop a pilot program to mentor Black and other People of Color who are in the process of converting to Judaism. She worked closely with outreach to select and train a team of mentors to work specifically with people of color embarking on their Jewish journey. She finds creative ways to ensure that everything is done through a lens of inclusion and belonging from written materials to visual representation and beyond.
She is a contracted facilitator for the Union of Reform Judaism’s Audacious Hospitality and she was also on the RAC National Justice Leadership team.
Jill is an alumnus of the URJ’s (DEI) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion JewV’Nation Fellowship, and went back in 2022 with Tamar to co-lead the JewV’Nation Fellowship. https://urj.org/what-we-do/audacious-hospitality/jewvnation-fellowship/jewvnation-fellowships-2022-jews-color-leadership-cohort
Jill's recent REDI ​work ​includes JPRO New York Network, JBBBS of Greater Boston and 4 Jewish Camps in the states of Colorado and New York.
She is a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee at Ikar in Los Angeles, CA.
She completed the Don't Kvetch Community Organizing training through Bend the Arc.
Jill completed the Kirva Institute POC IOWA DRIO Va’ad in action (People of Color Iowa Dismantling Racism from The Inside Out Va'ad) led by Yehudah Webster and Keshira haLev Fife, a program that merges Anti-Racism work and Mussar practices . She recently completed the Facilitator training for this program.
She also completed the Project Shema Fellowship, an independent nonprofit organization that trains and supports the Jewish community and allies to understand and address contemporary antisemitism, with an emphasis on how anti-Jewish ideas can emerge in progressive spaces and in discourse around Israel and Palestine. Jill is creating a framework for Black and Multi-racial Jews to address antisemitism as it presents itself in progressive circles. She has now been hired as a part-time consultant.
Jill completed the Tiyuv Culturally Responsive Evaluation Fellowship, led by JoC, in October 2024.
She is passionate about social and racial justice, sustainable fashion solutions, food justice, and reggae music. In her free time, Jill can be found working in her garden, spending time at the gym, and experimenting in the kitchen with vegetarian dishes. She is a loving caregiver for her mother.
Tamar Ghidalia
Tamar Ghidalia (she/her) is a Jew of Color of Sephardic (Spanish) heritage who was born in Tunisia, fled with her family to France, and subsequently immigrated to Israel and Palestine in 1976, and then to MN in 1989.
She has a B.A. in Education and Hebrew Literature from Paris Sorbonne University and a B.A. in Music (Percussion) from the Conservatoire de Paris.
Tamar is an educator and professional musician with 30+ years of experience in teaching, facilitating, leadership, mentoring, program building, curriculum development and program management.
Most recently, she worked for over six years as the Executive Director of Urban Arts Academy, a South Minneapolis non-profit serving diverse students and families through art-infused education.
In 2018, Tamar was honored by Shir Tikvah with the Radical Hospitality Award for her work with the Racial Justice Task Force. In 2005, she received the​ JCA Paul Wellstone Call to Action Award for her work in racial justice.
Tamar completed the 2019- 2020 URJ’s (DEI) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion JewV’Nation Fellowship and had the amazing opportunity to go back and co-lead the same fellowship in 2022.
Tamar is a leader in the racial equity, diversity, and inclusion (REDI) space, working through 3W Consulting, as well as with Edot-The Midwest Regional Jewish Diversity and Racial Justice Collaborative.
She has developed partnerships between organizations to collaborate for success.
Tamar’s recent REDI ​work ​includes YIPA in MN (Youth Intervention Program Association), JPRO New York Network, JBBBS of Greater Boston and 4 Jewish Camps in the states of Colorado and New York.
Tamar teaches for the URJ Intro to Judaism and Hebrew classes online, as well as Hebrew for Ammud, the JOC Torah School.
She was on the RAC National Justice Leadership team.
Tamar completed the Kirva Institute POC IOWA DRIO Va’ad ( People of Color Iowa Dismantling Racism from The Inside Out Va'ad) led by Yehudah Webster and Keshira haLev Fife, a program that merges Anti-Racism work and Mussar practices . She also completed the Facilitator training for this program.
Tamar completed the Tiyuv Culturally Responsive Evaluation Fellowship., led by JoC, in October 2024.
Tamar is on the Board of Dimensions Educational Consulting inc. a Nonprofit led by Yavilah McCoy, and is constantly learning about how to incorporate liberatory practice in all aspects of professional and personal life.
Tamar is blessed with 3 beautiful daughters and three gorgeous grandchildren!
We honor Jews of Color’s voices and strive for empathetic action by appealing to the deepest part of our shared humanity.
We intentionally support and center JoC’s leadership.
We provide a sacred space for the JOC community to heal and center their leadership.
We tap into the wisdom of Jewish sources to find ways for healing from the trauma of oppression and celebrate all of JoC identities.
Our work is an antiracist and anti-oppression work and uses liberatory practice at its core. Since our work is significantly grounded in Jewish life, tradition, texts and values, it increases the spiritual life of the participants and allows them to claim their Jewish identities.